
Seventh Generation Ownership
Domaines Schlumberger is above all a human story in which a great diversity of talents come together who contribute every day. Today, Nicolas Schlumberger’s heirs—seventh-generation siblings Séverine and Thomas—own and farm a collection of vineyards totaling 300 acres, located over four miles on the steep flanks of the Vosges Mountains.
"If some of these Schlumbergers seem to have embodied the idea that we have success, they had far too much sense of relative to take pride in their successes or to believe they arrived. It was probably neither the money nor the power that made them run, because they were above all passionate. Yet aware of their responsibilities vis-à-vis those they dragged in their wake and as demanding vis-à-vis others as vis-à-vis themselves, their success never stood in one collective work where everyone brought the best of themselves."
- Séverine Schlumberger